Volume 55 Number 2
January - April 2025
Lincombe Barn, Overndale Road, Downend, Bristol BS16 2RW
Tel. 0117 956 2367
Visit our website at
Facebook Lincombe Barn DFHA - @BarnDFHA
Registered Charity No. 1157237 Telephone 0117 9562367
January - April 2025
Volume 55 - Number 2
Office hours : Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 4.30 pm.
Office Manager : Zoe Tanner Deputy Manager : Martin Bailey
Office Support : Jane Faithfull, Derek Whitchurch & Melinda Gunnion
Office Volunteer : Janet Hanlon & Kathleen Dawkins.
Dear Member,
I hope that you have been enjoying your clubs and classes and have made some new friends. By the time you receive this edition of the Barn News, Christmas will be a distant memory but I hope it was an enjoyable one for you.
The Christmas Market seems to have been an enjoyable and successful event. A big thank you to everyone who helped out on the day to make it a success, we very much appreciate your help. My thanks go especially to all those of you who donated cakes for the cake stall. We always need new helpers so if you feel you could help the Barn only occasionally please contact the Barn office.
If you attended, I hope you enjoyed the Cleeve Singers’ Christmas Concert, which raises money for charity.
I should like to take this opportunity of wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year.
Eileen Bendrey
The Office
We are always happy to help you in the office with your enquiries, from 9am -4.30pm
We have recently had interest in the Barn Bells Club (Thursdays) and the Tuesday Art club (Tuesdays) We have had enquiries relating to our clubs with people retiring in our area. We do our upmost to accommodate new enquiries with the correct information and support our new attendees. If you would like to participate in a new club, we have lots to interest you.
Please see the Prospectus Copies in the Barn, or check our website:
Gift Aid
If you are a taxpayer – remember to tick the box for ‘Gift aid’ on the enrolment form on becoming a member and support the ‘DFHA’.
Private Hire
The private hire that supports us in the building also, we thank them for joining us and welcome them.
The Waterbrook Church on Sunday Mornings
The Additional Room hire in Britannia Room – Heart to Heart – Counselling.
Additional Kindergarten to Start April 2025 in the Concorde Hall
The Prospectus will show new listings shortly.
We look forward to seeing you all, Barn Clubs and Private hire in 2025, keep supporting us for the foreseeable future at the DFHA.
PAT testing has begun in the DFHA ‘Lincombe Barn’
Please let us know if you have any items that need testing in your club that you multi use in the building. Please sign your Fire Policy in your club file and complete your registers with your attendees. Checks will be made.
Zoe – Office Manager
Treasurer’s Report
At the AGM in October, it was highlighted that the Barn’s finances had reduced by just over £8,000 during the year ending August 2024.
Looking forward, the good news – in April we will be welcoming a regular pre-school group who will be occupying Concorde Hall 4 days a week, and will be a significant contributor to the Barn’s income. Also the councillors who currently hire Cleeve, Cleeve Annex and Heath rooms (24/7), are also taking over Britannia room for the increased demand for their activities (therapy etc)
The potentially bad news – A fire risk assessment identified, amongst other items, our lack of correct fire doors/door frames in terms of the Office, Grace, the upstairs doors, and the door in the passageway, which the Management team are trying to resolve. Recently a leak developed in the roof over the snooker room, and a report has been received about the roofs over the snooker room area. Also, this year we will see the full effect that the end of our “cheap Covid-time contracts” have on the gas/electricity prices. There is no “energy cap” for businesses, and our yearly costs for gas and electricity (£7,500 last year) have nearly doubled.
Another example of an “unseen” cost is the Barn’s insurance - £11,000 a year, which rises each year.
The Management Committee have decided that we will restrict spending on significant projects until the funding situation improves. There are a number of such projects that are being shelved:
a) Roof Insulation in the upstairs store area.
b) Refurbishing the void areas – the plastic “tubes” in the kitchen ceiling and sloping corridor that allow external light (and draughts) into the Barn
c) Replacing the fencing on Rockland Road – as part of the lease the Barn is responsible for the external fencing.
Employers National Insurance (NI) contributions:
In the recent budget, an increase both to the rate of employers NI contributions, and the lowering of the threshold were announced.
Due to being classified as a small business, we are allowed a “free pass” until our NI contributions reach £5,000, so no effect on us.
Christmas Market (November 16th):
To end on a positive note, thanks to all who helped with this year’s Christmas Market – the total profit from this was just over £1,500
Welcome to a New Year of Barn Activities.
Forth coming Speaker/ Coffee Morning Thursday 6th February
Paul Hulbert will talk about
Wapley Common between Yate and Westerleigh Village
Doors open at 10.15 for Coffee/Tea (Extra from cost of talk) which is £3.
Talk Starts at 10.45 am until 11.45 am
On Thursday 6th March, 2025, Julia Kennett
will talk about Dyrham Park.
Do come and support this talk as their is a possibility this will be our last one due to lack of support and rising costs.
If there is anyone out there who could arrange these Speaker/Coffee Mornings and keep the costs down then please step forward!
I am not out of a job, however I have taken on the role of Secretary from Margaret Coote. She has retired after 18 long years. We all thank her immensely for all her hard work. She is still going to remain on The Committee.
See you around; and many thanks to all those who have supported The Speaker/Coffee Mornings
If you might be interested in coming on a trip to view the Snowdrops at the
Rococo Gardens at Painswick in February, please add your name to the list which
can be found on the notice boards at the Barn.
Lincombe Barn Book Group
We are a group of women who meet once a month to discuss the book that we have chosen to read. Each member is able to make suggestions for books to be read, covering many authors, some recommended and some new to us. We try to read different genres
Following a synopsis prepared by members in turn a discussion takes place. This is where things get interesting! We often comment that our most fruitful conversations occur when we have divided opinions on the book - its author, style, characters and plot. We consider books that may have been previously read by a member, a book that is new to us whose author we have read, or something that is completely new to us all. Occasionally we have read a book that has been recommended by other book clubs. Not everyone enjoys everything we read, but that is what being in a book club is about. We enjoy taking the plunge in trying something new, widening our horizons and also reading a book that we may not otherwise choose to read.
“Books and doors are the same thing. You open them and you go through into another world.” - Jeanette Winterson.
“Books are the mirrors of the soul.” - Virginia Woolf.
Lincombe Barn Outings Questionnaire
Who wouldn't like to go on a Trip?
Have you been to any places you would like to go to again?
The Coast? A Wildlife Park? Gardens? Historic Houses? Castles? Shopping Trip?
Who would be interested in going to Sudeley Castle and Garden?
It's just up the Motorway!
NAME ………………………………………………...............................................
BARN MEMBER YES/NO………………………………..................................
CLUB OR GROUP………………………………................................................
September arrived and we gathered in anticipation of meeting up and “ringing” again. It was lovely to be joined by two new members, Margaret and Phil, and we welcome them to our group and hope they enjoy music making, as well as learning some new skills.
Previously we had made suggestions of music to play during the new term and with a selection of secular music and Christmas music (more of the latter!) we made a start.
Unfortunately, the Christmas concert we had been asked to play at was cancelled, so we have been playing for pleasure.
Six members of the Barn Bells represented the group at the regional bell rally, held at Iron Acton Village Hall in September. At the rally there was mass ringing and each group also had the opportunity to play a piece. Barn Bells was represented by two of our group who play four in hand, they played several pieces. As I mentioned in the last Barn News, Terry Jeffries, a founding member of the Winterbourne Handbell Ringers, had passed away. His family, who are also Bell ringers were at the rally. They brought a wreath in the shape of a bell and played a selection of music in his memory which made it rather special event.
Finally, it is with regret we learnt that, due to family commitments Margaret and Colin, who have been stalwart member for the last six years have decided they are unable to attend our regular meetings. I think the group will always remember playing at their Golden wedding Anniversary party. They will be very much missed. We wish them well and hope that maybe, sometime in the future, they well be able to join us again.
November 2024
The crafters group were pleased to get together again when our sessions started again in September. It's amazing how the year seems to have flown by, yet again! And we have a new member which is nice - actually someone who used to come to the ‘Barn’ years ago and has rediscovered us. It was good to catch up with what people had been doing over the summer, and to share ideas for Christmas cards and makes. Now that the days are getting shorter and the weather is gloomy, we all need reasons to get out of the house, and some crafting time followed by a drink and chat helps to lift the spirits.
By the time this is published, Christmas will be behind us, and we can turn our thoughts to what we want to make in the New Year, Birthday and Anniversary cards, Mother's Day, and Easter.
We are always happy to welcome anyone who wants to join in for a session to see if this is something they are interested in. We carry out a number of crafts, including but not limited to knitting, crochet, beading and card making. Our first session next year will be on 2nd January, and then every fortnight, so if the Christmas leftovers and decorations are beginning to get a bit overwhelming, why not come along and see what you think of us. Just bring anything you fancy to work on, maybe an old kit that has been waiting to be finished for ages, or try something new, we are always willing to help one another.
Mary Robinson
We are just about holding our own. Although there are about 20 on our books attendance is sometimes low and we need an absolute minimum of 10 to function properly.
If anyone has played before and is interested in joining us please contact Yvonne on 0117 9568944 or email
We meet on Wednesday afternoons from 2-4.30 p.m.
Geoff Perrett.
Another year rolls to an end and before we can gather breath, brings on a new one. We have the usual programme of presentations, competitions, meetings with other camera clubs and learning evenings. Perhaps most interesting, given the recent weather, is the prescience of our Competitions Secretary in setting ‘Rain’ as the subject of an April subject.
The autumn has seen two competitions against our keen local friendly rivals, ‘Downend Camera Club’ with the score being one all. I’m sure both sides will be keen to level up next year. We have also seen continued success in the ‘Kingswood Salver‘ Competition against other clubs in the ‘Western Counties Photographic Federation‘, with a panel of five images. Yet again we have achieved a Highly Commended with a panel of Wetland Birds pictures, with one, (2nd image) by Shaun Martin, achieving an individual third place. Congratulations to everyone involved.
In the meantime, our coming programme of presentations includes the following:
· 14th January – “Offa’s Dyke south and North”
· 11th February – “Photos and Stories” by Boys in Bristol
· 25th March – “I have Camera will Travel”
· 22nd April – “Why and How I Photograph Birds”
Please don’t jump to any false conclusions, that last is referring to the feathered variety. However, if any members of other groups would like to attend any of our evenings, on the second fourth and fifth Tuesdays of the month in Concorde Hall, they will be more than welcome for a nominal door fee of £3.
Finally, having whetted interest here’s a copy of our Kingswood Salver entry.
(The actual panel can be viewed in the corridor at the Barn.)

Cross Stitch Club
Christmas came upon us quickly, the Barn Fair was on 16th November. Even the week before cards were being produced, some of course did not make the 2024 Cross Stitch Stand but it doesn’t do to relax too much.
Members like to get enjoyment from working projects but that enjoyment can be spoilt when having to get something completed to a deadline which fortunately doesn’t often happen. This term one member has been juggling between cross stitching and crocheting a baby blanket, the latter having a deadline as you might expect.
It was thought it might be nice to have a Christmas lunch out this year for a change from a non-festive one in the New Year which has been the norm for a long time. Well, what with hospital appointments being made, cancelled and re-arranged, visits to the Opticians and Dentists for one member or another, you’ve guessed it, the Christmas lunch went out through the window.
The membership of the Club has been steadily increasing with two members new to the hobby being welcomed this term, who seem to be enjoying it.
Speedy Ann has been quietly getting on with a picture purchased off the web from abroad. The picture and pattern are all in one being printed in colour and with symbols straight on the fabric. When washed the pattern completely vanishes. That is one way of making sure copyright isn’t broken. As Ann has said she will be quite happy to see the back of it, I don’t think she will be purchasing another similar kit somehow.
The Fair was very busy this year and bacon butties were soon sold out disappointing quite a few people. Our stall sold quite a few cards although not as many as last year. Speedy Ann did very well on her stall and the charity she was supporting benefited by receiving somewhere in the region of £244.
The members of cross stitch wish you all a Peaceful New Year and hope you had an enjoyable Christmas. Don’t forget, if you wish to try this hobby just contact the Barn Office on 9562367 for details. We are back on 8th January.
We’ve had a busy few months in the Downend Flower Arranging Club, we welcomed three new members, and keep developing our club night teaching sessions with the help of Lynne Hayes.
Our Christmas table decoration workshop was on the 30th November.
As a club we displayed our own Christmas tree, at TREEFEST (Christmas tree exhibition) which took place at St Mary Redcliffe Church on the 5th - 8th December.
4th December was our Christmas Flower Demonstration at Lincombe Barn ‘FESTIVE FROLICS’ by Sally Taylor.
We then start back 22 January 2025
Looking forward to the year ahead !
P&Q News
We’re a friendly happy group who meet on Tuesday mornings, and sew and natter.
In the past we have made an assortment of items including quilts, cushion covers, wall hangings and table runners. We all help one another as none of us are professional.
You are very welcome to come and join us to see what we do. Look forward to meeting you.
Lincombe Barn Snooker Club
New Members welcome
Initial Joining fee of £10.50 then a table fee of £3.00 per hr
Please see Martin in the Barn Office for more information or call on 07950 705861
Would you be interested in joining a Chess Club at The Barn one evening other than a Tuesday?
Tony Broadway is thinking of reforming the Chess Club which thrived for a number of years a while back
Players, learners and beginners of all abilities and ages will be welcome but minors must be accompanied by a responsible adult as defined by the Barn rules.
Anyone interested please sign the poster in the lobby at The Barn.
Lincombe Barn Naturalist’s Society forthcoming programme
at 2.15 pm followed by Tea and Cakes
“Leap Valley”
“Northern Scotland by Coach”
Visitors welcome for £3 entry fee.
Barn Event
The Barn Fair was held on Saturday 16th November. Much preparation had to be done behind the scenes by a few dedicated people. The event is organised by the Social & Fund Raising Committee which could actually do with more members as it is run by a small band of people.
They commence by contacting people whom they hear would be prepared to pay for a table, like this year when two tables were selling items of crystals and plants, both of which had an amazing selection on offer. Then they follow it up by drumming the Clubs of the Barn into having a table and the Barn Office staff also have to contribute. Clubs who are not able to provide goodies for sale, have members conscripted to use their manpower, so there is a team to set up the tables and also put them away. Then there are the people who stack the chairs, sweep up the floors and get rid of the rubbish.
The crowd puller are the bacon butties. Credit must be given to Merle, who gets the baps and bacon, the reindeers Christine and Julia who are members of the Barn Committee assisted in the kitchen by at least three other ladies who were doing the cooking, washing up and taking the money.
The Fair was very busy with plenty of stalls, all the large rooms were in use even smaller ones were commandeered. Children were enjoying the colouring competition in the hall area. There were raffles for hampers and large toys besides a bottle draw ticket table. There were bargains on the toy table, jig saws in particular were plentiful. Cakes were soon sold out. Camera Club had a large display in Jubilee of their work as did the ‘Home’ table displaying some quilted items.
Concorde Hall had the ‘Men in Huts’ selling their handy work and Cross Stitched cards were in abundance on another table.
At the end of the day, those in the office busily counted the takings and were pleased to report a profit in the region of £1,400. A very big thank you to everyone.
To those who came along – how about joining one of the Clubs at the Barn. Hobbies help to occupy the mind.
Some unusual visitors who turned up in a Vintage Morgan car.


Art Groups
11 Plus Tutoring Academy
‘Barn Bells’ Hand Bell Ringers
Bridge Club
Bristol Lace Makers
Bristol Show Choir
Camera Club
Cleeve Singers
Crafters Club
Counted Cross Stitch Club
Counselling Groups
Family History Group
First Aid
Flower Arranging Society
Fun Fitness for the over 60’s
Fun with Fabrics
Hatha Yoga
Helen O’Grady Drama Group
Keep Fit
Kingswood Lace Makers
Lincombe Barn Book Reading group
Lush Tums
Natural History Society
Parkinson’s Tai Chi Class
Scrabble Club
Snooker Club
The Patchwork & Quilting Club
The War Games Society
Tai Chi Classes
Tuneful Tigers
Writing Groups
Y’s Men’s Club of Kingswood
Initial enquiries forms and booking forms may be obtained from the office or the web site. Contact the office for all enquiries.
Zoe Tanner (Office Manager)
Martin Bailey (Deputy)
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9.00 am - 4,00 pm
The Building is open from
8.00 am - 10.30 pm
Telephone 0117 956 2367
Wedding Receptions
Christening Parties
Private Dinner Functions
‘Hands on’ Workshops
Children’s Parties
Our AGM in July saw Merle Hosking being presented with a pair of Bristol Blue Glass earrings (although they were Ruby Red) for her years of service to the choir in the position of Treasurer. Also on the agenda was the resignation of our MD and pianist, Jonathan & Sharon Edwards who had been with the choir for 13 years. So the Autumn term was not commencing very positively, as our men also left after the Summer Concert for various reasons. To enable the choir to have time to find replacements J & S stayed until the end of the year. The Christmas Concert was their last with us when presentations were made. It does not mean the end of Cleeve Singers though. A little too close for comfort at the twelfth hour we managed to secure the services of Marysia Gorska-Saj, who, until the end of 2023 conducted Avon & Somerset Police Choir. So we look forward to a new era. We are now on a recruiting drive for not only someone to accompany us but to increase our membership in all four voice parts. The core of the choir have been stoically rehearsing for the Christmas Concert but would like some extra company. If you like singing, please consider giving the Cleeve Singers a try. Contact details are on the Barn Web site or just Google Cleeve Singers. How about telephoning 0117 9561881.
For the Christmas Matinee Concert we invited Tutti Flutti again to give a different flavour as they were much enjoyed last year. The choir chose Pancreatic Cancer Research to support this time. It is a Charity which receives little financial assistance and an illness which at present there is little chance of recovery. The Charity had no-one available to give a talk on their research but a letter describing their work was read out.
With thanks to all our followers for supporting the Barn concerts, we hope to see you in 2025.
Patricia Holmes December 2024

Summer Monday 28th April - Friday 25th July 2025
Approximate sizes In feet in metres
Ground Floor with Disabled access
Jubilee Hall 45 x 38 14 x 11 £30.25 Per Hour
Jubilee Small Partition £18.15 Per Hour
Jubilee Large Partition £23.00 Per Hour
Concorde Hall 40 x 23.5 12 x 7 £24.20 Per Hour
Page Room 25 x 15 7 x 4.5 £14.50 Per Hour
Grace Room 19 x 15 6 x 4.5 £9.70 Per Hour
First floor with no disabled access
Britannia Room 19 x 16.5 6 x 5 Not Available
Cleeve Room 14 x 14 4 x 4 Not Available
Cleeve Annex 8 x 11 2.5 x 3.5 Not Available
Heath Room 10.5 x 9 3 x 3 Not Available
Tables and Chairs provided
Charge for exclusive use of the kitchen £30.25
To check availability and to book, contact the office manager
Zoe Tanner e-mail Tel. 9562367
May - August 2025 1st May 2025 11th April 2025
Contributions to the May edition of the ‘Barn News’ are very welcome. Please hand your entries in by the 11th April. Make a note in your diaries.
Volume 55 Number 2
January - April 2025
Lincombe Barn, Overndale Road, Downend, Bristol BS16 2RW
Tel. 0117 956 2367
Visit our website at
Facebook Lincombe Barn DFHA - @BarnDFHA
Registered Charity No. 1157237 Telephone 0117 9562367
January - April 2025
Volume 55 - Number 2
Office hours : Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 4.30 pm.
Office Manager : Zoe Tanner Deputy Manager : Martin Bailey
Office Support : Jane Faithfull, Derek Whitchurch & Melinda Gunnion
Office Volunteer : Janet Hanlon & Kathleen Dawkins.
Dear Member,
I hope that you have been enjoying your clubs and classes and have made some new friends. By the time you receive this edition of the Barn News, Christmas will be a distant memory but I hope it was an enjoyable one for you.
The Christmas Market seems to have been an enjoyable and successful event. A big thank you to everyone who helped out on the day to make it a success, we very much appreciate your help. My thanks go especially to all those of you who donated cakes for the cake stall. We always need new helpers so if you feel you could help the Barn only occasionally please contact the Barn office.
If you attended, I hope you enjoyed the Cleeve Singers’ Christmas Concert, which raises money for charity.
I should like to take this opportunity of wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year.
Eileen Bendrey
The Office
We are always happy to help you in the office with your enquiries, from 9am -4.30pm
We have recently had interest in the Barn Bells Club (Thursdays) and the Tuesday Art club (Tuesdays) We have had enquiries relating to our clubs with people retiring in our area. We do our upmost to accommodate new enquiries with the correct information and support our new attendees. If you would like to participate in a new club, we have lots to interest you.
Please see the Prospectus Copies in the Barn, or check our website:
Gift Aid
If you are a taxpayer – remember to tick the box for ‘Gift aid’ on the enrolment form on becoming a member and support the ‘DFHA’.
Private Hire
The private hire that supports us in the building also, we thank them for joining us and welcome them.
The Waterbrook Church on Sunday Mornings
The Additional Room hire in Britannia Room – Heart to Heart – Counselling.
Additional Kindergarten to Start April 2025 in the Concorde Hall
The Prospectus will show new listings shortly.
We look forward to seeing you all, Barn Clubs and Private hire in 2025, keep supporting us for the foreseeable future at the DFHA.
PAT testing has begun in the DFHA ‘Lincombe Barn’
Please let us know if you have any items that need testing in your club that you multi use in the building. Please sign your Fire Policy in your club file and complete your registers with your attendees. Checks will be made.
Zoe – Office Manager
Treasurer’s Report
At the AGM in October, it was highlighted that the Barn’s finances had reduced by just over £8,000 during the year ending August 2024.
Looking forward, the good news – in April we will be welcoming a regular pre-school group who will be occupying Concorde Hall 4 days a week, and will be a significant contributor to the Barn’s income. Also the councillors who currently hire Cleeve, Cleeve Annex and Heath rooms (24/7), are also taking over Britannia room for the increased demand for their activities (therapy etc)
The potentially bad news – A fire risk assessment identified, amongst other items, our lack of correct fire doors/door frames in terms of the Office, Grace, the upstairs doors, and the door in the passageway, which the Management team are trying to resolve. Recently a leak developed in the roof over the snooker room, and a report has been received about the roofs over the snooker room area. Also, this year we will see the full effect that the end of our “cheap Covid-time contracts” have on the gas/electricity prices. There is no “energy cap” for businesses, and our yearly costs for gas and electricity (£7,500 last year) have nearly doubled.
Another example of an “unseen” cost is the Barn’s insurance - £11,000 a year, which rises each year.
The Management Committee have decided that we will restrict spending on significant projects until the funding situation improves. There are a number of such projects that are being shelved:
a) Roof Insulation in the upstairs store area.
b) Refurbishing the void areas – the plastic “tubes” in the kitchen ceiling and sloping corridor that allow external light (and draughts) into the Barn
c) Replacing the fencing on Rockland Road – as part of the lease the Barn is responsible for the external fencing.
Employers National Insurance (NI) contributions:
In the recent budget, an increase both to the rate of employers NI contributions, and the lowering of the threshold were announced.
Due to being classified as a small business, we are allowed a “free pass” until our NI contributions reach £5,000, so no effect on us.
Christmas Market (November 16th):
To end on a positive note, thanks to all who helped with this year’s Christmas Market – the total profit from this was just over £1,500
Welcome to a New Year of Barn Activities.
Forth coming Speaker/ Coffee Morning Thursday 6th February
Paul Hulbert will talk about
Wapley Common between Yate and Westerleigh Village
Doors open at 10.15 for Coffee/Tea (Extra from cost of talk) which is £3.
Talk Starts at 10.45 am until 11.45 am
On Thursday 6th March, 2025, Julia Kennett
will talk about Dyrham Park.
Do come and support this talk as their is a possibility this will be our last one due to lack of support and rising costs.
If there is anyone out there who could arrange these Speaker/Coffee Mornings and keep the costs down then please step forward!
I am not out of a job, however I have taken on the role of Secretary from Margaret Coote. She has retired after 18 long years. We all thank her immensely for all her hard work. She is still going to remain on The Committee.
See you around; and many thanks to all those who have supported The Speaker/Coffee Mornings
If you might be interested in coming on a trip to view the Snowdrops at the
Rococo Gardens at Painswick in February, please add your name to the list which
can be found on the notice boards at the Barn.
Lincombe Barn Book Group
We are a group of women who meet once a month to discuss the book that we have chosen to read. Each member is able to make suggestions for books to be read, covering many authors, some recommended and some new to us. We try to read different genres
Following a synopsis prepared by members in turn a discussion takes place. This is where things get interesting! We often comment that our most fruitful conversations occur when we have divided opinions on the book - its author, style, characters and plot. We consider books that may have been previously read by a member, a book that is new to us whose author we have read, or something that is completely new to us all. Occasionally we have read a book that has been recommended by other book clubs. Not everyone enjoys everything we read, but that is what being in a book club is about. We enjoy taking the plunge in trying something new, widening our horizons and also reading a book that we may not otherwise choose to read.
“Books and doors are the same thing. You open them and you go through into another world.” - Jeanette Winterson.
“Books are the mirrors of the soul.” - Virginia Woolf.
Lincombe Barn Outings Questionnaire
Who wouldn't like to go on a Trip?
Have you been to any places you would like to go to again?
The Coast? A Wildlife Park? Gardens? Historic Houses? Castles? Shopping Trip?
Who would be interested in going to Sudeley Castle and Garden?
It's just up the Motorway!
NAME ………………………………………………...............................................
BARN MEMBER YES/NO………………………………..................................
CLUB OR GROUP………………………………................................................
September arrived and we gathered in anticipation of meeting up and “ringing” again. It was lovely to be joined by two new members, Margaret and Phil, and we welcome them to our group and hope they enjoy music making, as well as learning some new skills.
Previously we had made suggestions of music to play during the new term and with a selection of secular music and Christmas music (more of the latter!) we made a start.
Unfortunately, the Christmas concert we had been asked to play at was cancelled, so we have been playing for pleasure.
Six members of the Barn Bells represented the group at the regional bell rally, held at Iron Acton Village Hall in September. At the rally there was mass ringing and each group also had the opportunity to play a piece. Barn Bells was represented by two of our group who play four in hand, they played several pieces. As I mentioned in the last Barn News, Terry Jeffries, a founding member of the Winterbourne Handbell Ringers, had passed away. His family, who are also Bell ringers were at the rally. They brought a wreath in the shape of a bell and played a selection of music in his memory which made it rather special event.
Finally, it is with regret we learnt that, due to family commitments Margaret and Colin, who have been stalwart member for the last six years have decided they are unable to attend our regular meetings. I think the group will always remember playing at their Golden wedding Anniversary party. They will be very much missed. We wish them well and hope that maybe, sometime in the future, they well be able to join us again.
November 2024
The crafters group were pleased to get together again when our sessions started again in September. It's amazing how the year seems to have flown by, yet again! And we have a new member which is nice - actually someone who used to come to the ‘Barn’ years ago and has rediscovered us. It was good to catch up with what people had been doing over the summer, and to share ideas for Christmas cards and makes. Now that the days are getting shorter and the weather is gloomy, we all need reasons to get out of the house, and some crafting time followed by a drink and chat helps to lift the spirits.
By the time this is published, Christmas will be behind us, and we can turn our thoughts to what we want to make in the New Year, Birthday and Anniversary cards, Mother's Day, and Easter.
We are always happy to welcome anyone who wants to join in for a session to see if this is something they are interested in. We carry out a number of crafts, including but not limited to knitting, crochet, beading and card making. Our first session next year will be on 2nd January, and then every fortnight, so if the Christmas leftovers and decorations are beginning to get a bit overwhelming, why not come along and see what you think of us. Just bring anything you fancy to work on, maybe an old kit that has been waiting to be finished for ages, or try something new, we are always willing to help one another.
Mary Robinson
We are just about holding our own. Although there are about 20 on our books attendance is sometimes low and we need an absolute minimum of 10 to function properly.
If anyone has played before and is interested in joining us please contact Yvonne on 0117 9568944 or email
We meet on Wednesday afternoons from 2-4.30 p.m.
Geoff Perrett.
Another year rolls to an end and before we can gather breath, brings on a new one. We have the usual programme of presentations, competitions, meetings with other camera clubs and learning evenings. Perhaps most interesting, given the recent weather, is the prescience of our Competitions Secretary in setting ‘Rain’ as the subject of an April subject.
The autumn has seen two competitions against our keen local friendly rivals, ‘Downend Camera Club’ with the score being one all. I’m sure both sides will be keen to level up next year. We have also seen continued success in the ‘Kingswood Salver‘ Competition against other clubs in the ‘Western Counties Photographic Federation‘, with a panel of five images. Yet again we have achieved a Highly Commended with a panel of Wetland Birds pictures, with one, (2nd image) by Shaun Martin, achieving an individual third place. Congratulations to everyone involved.
In the meantime, our coming programme of presentations includes the following:
· 14th January – “Offa’s Dyke south and North”
· 11th February – “Photos and Stories” by Boys in Bristol
· 25th March – “I have Camera will Travel”
· 22nd April – “Why and How I Photograph Birds”
Please don’t jump to any false conclusions, that last is referring to the feathered variety. However, if any members of other groups would like to attend any of our evenings, on the second fourth and fifth Tuesdays of the month in Concorde Hall, they will be more than welcome for a nominal door fee of £3.
Finally, having whetted interest here’s a copy of our Kingswood Salver entry.
(The actual panel can be viewed in the corridor at the Barn.)

Cross Stitch Club
Christmas came upon us quickly, the Barn Fair was on 16th November. Even the week before cards were being produced, some of course did not make the 2024 Cross Stitch Stand but it doesn’t do to relax too much.
Members like to get enjoyment from working projects but that enjoyment can be spoilt when having to get something completed to a deadline which fortunately doesn’t often happen. This term one member has been juggling between cross stitching and crocheting a baby blanket, the latter having a deadline as you might expect.
It was thought it might be nice to have a Christmas lunch out this year for a change from a non-festive one in the New Year which has been the norm for a long time. Well, what with hospital appointments being made, cancelled and re-arranged, visits to the Opticians and Dentists for one member or another, you’ve guessed it, the Christmas lunch went out through the window.
The membership of the Club has been steadily increasing with two members new to the hobby being welcomed this term, who seem to be enjoying it.
Speedy Ann has been quietly getting on with a picture purchased off the web from abroad. The picture and pattern are all in one being printed in colour and with symbols straight on the fabric. When washed the pattern completely vanishes. That is one way of making sure copyright isn’t broken. As Ann has said she will be quite happy to see the back of it, I don’t think she will be purchasing another similar kit somehow.
The Fair was very busy this year and bacon butties were soon sold out disappointing quite a few people. Our stall sold quite a few cards although not as many as last year. Speedy Ann did very well on her stall and the charity she was supporting benefited by receiving somewhere in the region of £244.
The members of cross stitch wish you all a Peaceful New Year and hope you had an enjoyable Christmas. Don’t forget, if you wish to try this hobby just contact the Barn Office on 9562367 for details. We are back on 8th January.
We’ve had a busy few months in the Downend Flower Arranging Club, we welcomed three new members, and keep developing our club night teaching sessions with the help of Lynne Hayes.
Our Christmas table decoration workshop was on the 30th November.
As a club we displayed our own Christmas tree, at TREEFEST (Christmas tree exhibition) which took place at St Mary Redcliffe Church on the 5th - 8th December.
4th December was our Christmas Flower Demonstration at Lincombe Barn ‘FESTIVE FROLICS’ by Sally Taylor.
We then start back 22 January 2025
Looking forward to the year ahead !
P&Q News
We’re a friendly happy group who meet on Tuesday mornings, and sew and natter.
In the past we have made an assortment of items including quilts, cushion covers, wall hangings and table runners. We all help one another as none of us are professional.
You are very welcome to come and join us to see what we do. Look forward to meeting you.
Lincombe Barn Snooker Club
New Members welcome
Initial Joining fee of £10.50 then a table fee of £3.00 per hr
Please see Martin in the Barn Office for more information or call on 07950 705861
Would you be interested in joining a Chess Club at The Barn one evening other than a Tuesday?
Tony Broadway is thinking of reforming the Chess Club which thrived for a number of years a while back
Players, learners and beginners of all abilities and ages will be welcome but minors must be accompanied by a responsible adult as defined by the Barn rules.
Anyone interested please sign the poster in the lobby at The Barn.
Lincombe Barn Naturalist’s Society forthcoming programme
at 2.15 pm followed by Tea and Cakes
“Leap Valley”
“Northern Scotland by Coach”
Visitors welcome for £3 entry fee.
Barn Event
The Barn Fair was held on Saturday 16th November. Much preparation had to be done behind the scenes by a few dedicated people. The event is organised by the Social & Fund Raising Committee which could actually do with more members as it is run by a small band of people.
They commence by contacting people whom they hear would be prepared to pay for a table, like this year when two tables were selling items of crystals and plants, both of which had an amazing selection on offer. Then they follow it up by drumming the Clubs of the Barn into having a table and the Barn Office staff also have to contribute. Clubs who are not able to provide goodies for sale, have members conscripted to use their manpower, so there is a team to set up the tables and also put them away. Then there are the people who stack the chairs, sweep up the floors and get rid of the rubbish.
The crowd puller are the bacon butties. Credit must be given to Merle, who gets the baps and bacon, the reindeers Christine and Julia who are members of the Barn Committee assisted in the kitchen by at least three other ladies who were doing the cooking, washing up and taking the money.
The Fair was very busy with plenty of stalls, all the large rooms were in use even smaller ones were commandeered. Children were enjoying the colouring competition in the hall area. There were raffles for hampers and large toys besides a bottle draw ticket table. There were bargains on the toy table, jig saws in particular were plentiful. Cakes were soon sold out. Camera Club had a large display in Jubilee of their work as did the ‘Home’ table displaying some quilted items.
Concorde Hall had the ‘Men in Huts’ selling their handy work and Cross Stitched cards were in abundance on another table.
At the end of the day, those in the office busily counted the takings and were pleased to report a profit in the region of £1,400. A very big thank you to everyone.
To those who came along – how about joining one of the Clubs at the Barn. Hobbies help to occupy the mind.
Some unusual visitors who turned up in a Vintage Morgan car.

Art Groups
11 Plus Tutoring Academy
‘Barn Bells’ Hand Bell Ringers
Bridge Club
Bristol Lace Makers
Bristol Show Choir
Camera Club
Cleeve Singers
Crafters Club
Counted Cross Stitch Club
Counselling Groups
Family History Group
First Aid
Flower Arranging Society
Fun Fitness for the over 60’s
Fun with Fabrics
Hatha Yoga
Helen O’Grady Drama Group
Keep Fit
Kingswood Lace Makers
Lincombe Barn Book Reading group
Lush Tums
Natural History Society
Parkinson’s Tai Chi Class
Scrabble Club
Snooker Club
The Patchwork & Quilting Club
The War Games Society
Tai Chi Classes
Tuneful Tigers
Writing Groups
Y’s Men’s Club of Kingswood
Initial enquiries forms and booking forms may be obtained from the office or the web site. Contact the office for all enquiries.
Zoe Tanner (Office Manager)
Martin Bailey (Deputy)
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9.00 am - 4,00 pm
The Building is open from
8.00 am - 10.30 pm
Telephone 0117 956 2367
Wedding Receptions
Christening Parties
Private Dinner Functions
‘Hands on’ Workshops
Children’s Parties
Our AGM in July saw Merle Hosking being presented with a pair of Bristol Blue Glass earrings (although they were Ruby Red) for her years of service to the choir in the position of Treasurer. Also on the agenda was the resignation of our MD and pianist, Jonathan & Sharon Edwards who had been with the choir for 13 years. So the Autumn term was not commencing very positively, as our men also left after the Summer Concert for various reasons. To enable the choir to have time to find replacements J & S stayed until the end of the year. The Christmas Concert was their last with us when presentations were made. It does not mean the end of Cleeve Singers though. A little too close for comfort at the twelfth hour we managed to secure the services of Marysia Gorska-Saj, who, until the end of 2023 conducted Avon & Somerset Police Choir. So we look forward to a new era. We are now on a recruiting drive for not only someone to accompany us but to increase our membership in all four voice parts. The core of the choir have been stoically rehearsing for the Christmas Concert but would like some extra company. If you like singing, please consider giving the Cleeve Singers a try. Contact details are on the Barn Web site or just Google Cleeve Singers. How about telephoning 0117 9561881.
For the Christmas Matinee Concert we invited Tutti Flutti again to give a different flavour as they were much enjoyed last year. The choir chose Pancreatic Cancer Research to support this time. It is a Charity which receives little financial assistance and an illness which at present there is little chance of recovery. The Charity had no-one available to give a talk on their research but a letter describing their work was read out.
With thanks to all our followers for supporting the Barn concerts, we hope to see you in 2025.
Patricia Holmes December 2024

Summer Monday 28th April - Friday 25th July 2025
Approximate sizes In feet in metres
Ground Floor with Disabled access
Jubilee Hall 45 x 38 14 x 11 £30.25 Per Hour
Jubilee Small Partition £18.15 Per Hour
Jubilee Large Partition £23.00 Per Hour
Concorde Hall 40 x 23.5 12 x 7 £24.20 Per Hour
Page Room 25 x 15 7 x 4.5 £14.50 Per Hour
Grace Room 19 x 15 6 x 4.5 £9.70 Per Hour
First floor with no disabled access
Britannia Room 19 x 16.5 6 x 5 Not Available
Cleeve Room 14 x 14 4 x 4 Not Available
Cleeve Annex 8 x 11 2.5 x 3.5 Not Available
Heath Room 10.5 x 9 3 x 3 Not Available
Tables and Chairs provided
Charge for exclusive use of the kitchen £30.25
To check availability and to book, contact the office manager
Zoe Tanner e-mail Tel. 9562367
May - August 2025 1st May 2025 11th April 2025
Contributions to the May edition of the ‘Barn News’ are very welcome. Please hand your entries in by the 11th April. Make a note in your diaries.