A.G.M. 25th October 2024

AT 2.0pm

Welcome by Mrs Eileen Bendrey, Chairman of DFHA who will chair the meeting this afternoon.

2. Apologies for absence
Cllr J Biggin.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the AGM held on Friday 3rd November 2023.
The Minutes were deemed a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4. Matters arising from these Minutes.
No comments were made.

5. Annual report of the Management Committee for the year 2023/2024

AGM Chairman’s report Friday 25th October 2024
You will see from the Treasurer’s report that in the Barn year September 2023 to August 2024 we have once again had considerable expenses.
The chairs have been recovered, the snooker table baize has been replaced as have the office telephones and a shredder company was hired to destroy the outdated paperwork in our archives. One of the members of the Management Committee very kindly purchased a new lawn mower and strimmer for us to make the maintenance of our grounds easier.
In the Office we now have a new volunteer Mrs Kathleen Dawkins to assist our Office Manager. We have continued to try to improve the look of our grounds and Louise Kennedy has kindly offered to help us in this regard.
I should like to thank Bruce Gibbs and Zoe Tanner for their efforts in producing the Barn News, which takes a lot of time to collate and print. Thanks must also go to our maintenance volunteer Phil Abbott and his team without whose efforts it would cost the Barn quite a lot of money to maintain the building and its surroundings. In addition, I should like to thank our Office Manager Zoe Tanner and her Deputy Martin Bailey for their input.
Thanks must go to Mel Brown, our Treasurer, who resolves all sorts of problems for us beyond the remit of a Treasurer.
Finally, my thanks go to our Secretary, Christine Bilella, Janet Biggin our Deputy Chairman and all the members of the Management Committee for all the help and support they have given me this past year.

Eileen Bendrey.

No questions were asked.

Annual Statement of Accounts for the year 2023/2024
Current Financial Situation
Deposit Account £ 53,641
Current Account £ 21,375
Petty Cash £ 265
Total £ 75,281

Election of Tellers – not necessary

Election of Honorary Officers

Members had proposed and seconded the following names.

Chairman – Eileen Bendrey Vice Chairman – Janet Biggin.
Hon. Secretary – Christine Bilella Hon. Treasurer – Mel Brown
Chairman Social & Fund Raising – Janet Biggin

All nominations were proposed and accepted and the officers elected unanimously.

9. Election of members to serve on the Management Committee.

Members had proposed and seconded the following names.
Merle Hosking.
Bruce Gibbs
Julia Kennett in Office for another year.
Andrew Clements in Office for another year.

These nominations were accepted and the members elected unanimously.
10. Appointment of an External Examiner for the Accounts for the Coming Year

Lloydbottoms will continue to be our External Auditor for the accounts for the coming year.

11. AOB
Constitution Amendments.

To remove all reference to "under 18's" - since the regulations as regards what support needed to be in place for any member of 18 or under are complicated, and there was only had one junior member.

We have taken the opportunity to digitise the Constitution, rather than using a "marked up" copy of the Charity Commissions basic document.

The meeting approved this amendment.

Date of 2025 AGM. FRIDAY 24th October.

Close of meeting.